Boodram Holass Wishes Sam Boodram A Speedy Recovery

CD Sales Skyrocket after Medical Story about Boodram Holass was Released


Awareness about the availability of Boodram Holass’ Greatest Hits definitely peaked his fans and well wishers interest after this story of Boodram Holass went viral. His sister, Rukiminee Beepath had this to say:

Budram holass is out of the hospital about four days now but his fans kept asking him for his cds to buy because he compiled the 30 best songs he ever did for chutney and 19 best bhajans produced by him so all his cds are available at praimsinghs for his fans volumes 1 and 2 are only his best chutney selections done over the last 35 best years of singing so apart from supporting his expenses everyone has cds to enjoy for alot times but while he was in hospital he ordered the cds to be made and he was happy to see that it was done for him the sale continues at $50 per cd

Non-Trinidad Residents want to purchase CDs but the CDs are not available for sale online.

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