Bus Drivers Blank Students in Schools Intellectual Chutney Soca Monarch Competition


Bus drivers’ strike hurts Schools Intellectual Chutney-Soca Monarch Competition

Even though PTSC bus dri­vers were of­fered dou­ble the rate to trans­port stu­dents from their schools to Car­ni­val City at the Queen’s Park Sa­van­nah, they de­cid­ed not to, as part of their strike ac­tion.

The dri­vers were ex­pect­ed to trans­port close to 2,000 stu­dents from var­i­ous schools, to spec­tate as well as com­pete to­day, at the Na­tion­al Schools’ In­tel­lec­tu­al Chut­ney-So­ca Monarch Com­pe­ti­tion.

Pres­i­dent of the Na­tion­al Chut­ney Foun­da­tion of T&T, Dr Vi­jay Ram­lal-Rai, said 21 schools were af­fect­ed by the last-minute can­cel­la­tion as some schools were ex­pect­ed to send up to 150 stu­dents.

“PTSC can­celled at 3.30pm (yes­ter­day),” Dr Vi­jay Ram­lal-Rai said. “It’s good to see chil­dren here on their own ac­cord.”

Chair­man of the Na­tion­al Car­ni­val Com­mis­sion, Win­ston ‘Gyp­sy’ Pe­ters, said it was dis­ap­point­ing that all stu­dents could not at­tend.

“I am so sad,” he said.

Min­is­ter of Ed­u­ca­tion, An­tho­ny Gar­cia, did not com­ment on the is­sue dur­ing his ad­dress.

Sto­ry by CARISA LEE
Credit: https://www.guardian.co.tt/news/bus-drivers-strike-hurts-schools-intellectual-chutneysoca-monarch-competition-6.2.1059571.353d449c0e






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