Rajin Dhanraj - Old Fire Wood

Rajin Dhanraj and baby dies mysteriously


24 year old Chutney Artist, Rajin Dhanraj passed away in December 2013 af­ter near­ly four months of ail­ing. This news has stunned his family who were still trying to cope with the lost of Rajin’s 18day old baby boy from similar complications in June of the same year.

A friend close to the Dhanraj family dismissed rumours that Dhanraj attempted to hurt himself eventhough the singer was in a state of depression after his son’s passing.

Rajin Dhan­raj‘s broth­er, An­cil further stated that the doctors could say for certain what was wrong even though Rajin un­der­went 63 tests in­clu­sive of MRIs, CT scans, ul­tra-sounds and more. They have suspected pul­monary as­pi­ra­tion re­sult­ing in brain hy­pox­ia.

Rajin Dhanraj burst into the Chutney spotlight in 2008 when he won Synergy Tv’s first Chutney Star competition and captured 2nd place at the 2013 National Chutney Monarch competition held on Indian Arrival Day.

Af­ter near­ly four months of ail­ing, 24-year-old chut­ney singer Ra­jin Dhan­raj passed away at his home around 12.45 am yes­ter­day.The Go Nah\ singer was hos­pi­talised on Sep­tem­ber 2 af­ter a sus­pect­ed case of pul­monary as­pi­ra­tion re­sult­ed in brain hy­pox­ia.He was ad­mit­ted to the In­ten­sive Care Unit at the Er­ic Williams Med­ical Sci­ences Com­plex, Mt Hope, and was be­ing fed in­tra­venous­ly un­til last Fri­day.

In a tele­phone in­ter­view yes­ter­day, Dhan­raj’s broth­er, An­cil, told the T&T Guardian his fam­i­ly was still at a lost over what re­al­ly caused the chut­ney star’s death.”From the time of his hos­pi­tal­i­sa­tion, the doc­tors could not re­al­ly tell us what was wrong with him,” An­cil Dhan­raj said.”He un­der­went 63 tests, in­clu­sive of MRIs, CT scans, ul­tra-sounds and more, but none could ever re­veal what was re­al­ly wrong with him.”

He said al­though the doc­tors sus­pect­ed the brain hy­pox­ia may have caused some brain in­jury, hence Ra­jin’s in­abil­i­ty to com­mu­ni­cate or re­spond to fam­i­ly, none of the tests re­vealed the cause of the ail­ment.”My broth­er had a meal of crab and dumplings for din­ner the night this oc­curred. It was sus­pect­ed his food did not di­gest prop­er­ly and caused him to as­pi­rate. That’s all we know… that’s all we’ve been told,” said Dhan­raj.

He said on the ad­vice of the doc­tors, con­sul­tants and the neu­rother­a­pist work­ing with his broth­er at the hos­pi­tal, his fam­i­ly took his broth­er home last Fri­day for Christ­mas Day.”We spent al­most $40,000 to pre­pare his room for him with all the ma­chines and med­ical de­vices he need­ed. He even had 24 hours nurs­ing care, but de­spite this he took a turn for the worse,” Dhan­raj said.The el­der broth­er said around 11 pm on Sun­day, Ra­jin be­gan hy­per­ven­ti­lat­ing and by 12.45 am he had passed on.

“It all hap­pened so fast, and right now our fam­i­ly don’t even know how to move on from this,” Dhan­raj said.”We just left foren­sics as an au­top­sy was or­dered to see what caused his death, not even the pathol­o­gist knows what took him from us. He said some tests show that he may have de­vel­oped pneu­mo­nia, but this is not of­fi­cial and fur­ther tests have to be done.”He added that Ra­jin, the youngest of three boys, was the fam­i­ly’s light and now that he is gone it will take a life­time to let go.

“I do not know how we are go­ing to move on with­out out him. He used to take the buck­et, build a rhythm and sing for the fam­i­ly for any birth­day cel­e­bra­tion.Ra­jin, whose 18-day-old son died in June from sim­i­lar com­pli­ca­tions, An­cil said, rose to fame when he won Syn­er­gy’s TV Chut­ney Star in 2008. In May, he al­so placed sec­ond in the Na­tion­al Chut­ney Monarch fi­nal. Ra­jin was al­so the own­er of a cloth­ing and jew­el­ry store in Ch­agua­nas.

Ra­jin was ac­tive as a per­former on the cam­paign trail for both the Unit­ed Na­tion­al Con­gress in 2010 and the In­de­pen­dent Lib­er­al Par­ty (ILP) this year.His fu­ner­al will take place to­mor­row, be­gin­ning at his home at Williams Av­enue, Wel­come Road, Cunu­pia, from 8 am, be­fore his body is tak­en to the Ca­roni cre­ma­tion site where it will be cre­mat­ed ac­cord­ing to Hin­du rites.

Yes­ter­day, fel­low artistes, in­clud­ing Ravi B, of Kar­ma, and rep­re­sen­ta­tive for Dil-E-Nadan and JMC 3veni, Fareid Emameli, said the chut­ney fra­ter­ni­ty had lost some­one who re­al­ly made a dif­fer­ence in chut­ney mu­sic.
Written by Bo­bie-lee Dixon

Sister’s Reaction to Sudden Death

Rajin Dhanraj YouTube Playlist

Source: http://www.guardian.co.tt/article-6.2.412910.3e1defcc4b






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