Chutney Singer Sues State Over Planass Case


Chutney Singer Sues State Over Planass Case

Chutney Singer Sues State Over Planass Case

“Chut­ney singer Ner­mal “Mas­sive” Go­sine is su­ing the State for ma­li­cious pros­e­cu­tion af­ter be­ing charged with planass­ing two of his neigh­bours dur­ing an in­ci­dent in 2012.

The brief tri­al of Go­sine’s case, in which he is al­leg­ing that he was charged by po­lice al­though he was the vic­tim of the in­ci­dent, was com­plet­ed be­fore Jus­tice Ron­nie Boodoos­ingh in the Port-of-Spain on Wednes­day.

While giv­ing ev­i­dence, Go­sine claimed that on De­cem­ber 10, 2012, he was in­volved in an ar­gu­ment at Mootoo Lands, Mara­bel­la, with Wayne Dha­ran­paul and An­drew Richard­son. He claimed that the men were armed with a cut­lass and a piece of met­al.

Go­sine claimed he was able to dis­arm the man with the cut­lass and used it to planass them be­fore re­turn­ing home with the weapon.

He said when po­lice ar­rived on the scene, they spoke to Dha­ran­paul and Richard­son and then ar­rest­ed him with­out prop­er­ly in­ves­ti­gat­ing his claims.

Go­sine filed the law­suit seek­ing com­pen­sa­tion af­ter a mag­is­trate up­held a no case sub­mis­sion in his as­sault and ob­scene lan­guage case in De­cem­ber 2014.

The on­ly wit­ness brought by the State to re­fute Go­sine’s claims was Cpl Ab­n­er Ra­goo, the ar­rest­ing of­fi­cer.

The in­ci­dent was not the first time Go­sine was charged with a crime. In 2006, he was charged with hav­ing a forged dri­ver’s per­mit but the charges were dis­missed as they were based on a cler­i­cal er­ror at the Li­cens­ing Au­thor­i­ty.

In 2014, Go­sine suc­cess­ful­ly sued the State and won $765,000 in com­pen­sa­tion. He was forced to file a sub­se­quent law­suit af­ter the au­thor­i­ty took over four years to re-is­sue him a li­cence. Last year, he was award­ed $200,000 in com­pen­sa­tion in that case.

Go­sine song dur­ing last year’s Car­ni­val sea­son, Rowlee Mud­da Count, earned him third place in the Chut­ney So­ca Monarch fi­nals and con­dem­na­tion from the PNM and its sup­port­ers.

Boodoos­ingh is ex­pect­ed to de­cide on a date for the judge­ment in the case af­ter the par­ties file sub­mis­sions, lat­er this month.”







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