lathee maree bathee

DJ Floops – Lathee Maree Bathee



Lathee Maaree Bathee (Chutney Soca 2022) – DJ Floops


laatee in meh baatee
laatee in meh baatee
laatee in meh baatee
laatee in meh baatee
laatee in meh baatee
laatee in meh baatee
doh beat me so much

she send me to school
but I playing the fool
she send me to school
and I play the fool
the way she start to beat me
ppl say she cruel

laatee in meh baatee
laatee in meh baatee
laatee in meh baatee
doh beat me so much

doh beat meh
doh beat meh
doh beat meh with d lati
doh beat meh
doh beat meh
doh beat meh with d lati
she beat meh so much
she black and blue meh body

she getting madder
and beating harder
she getting madder
and beat meh harder
she getting madder
and beat meh harder
when she done with me
she gone and cuss meh fadda

i thank you mammy
for keeping me straight
you tried your best to raise
so I would turn out great
Am sure with this story
we all could relate
dont spare the rod
or it’ll be too late

she start to bray
the more I suskay
she start to bray
and I start to suskay

what you crying for
I go give you more!

Lathi in yuh batee
Lathi in yuh batee
Lathi in yuh batee
dont beat me so much mammy


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