Dr. Visham Bhimull

Ramdew Chaitoe Babhana Aawe Jai Lyrics & Translation


The ever popular song originally done by Ramdeo Chaitoe was ‘Babhana aawe jai’ (The Brahman comes and goes). How many of us know that the Bhojpuri word for Brahman is ‘Babhan’? How many of us know that this song was intended to mock the Hindu priest or Brahman. In the song he is made fun of by saying he has one eye, one hand and one foot and he looks, touches and hops all around due to his missing appendages.

This version is sung by Sandeep Badloe accompanied on the dholak by Soerin Ramkhelawan at the Hague World Forum Conference Centre during a Baithak Gana concert with the Metropole Orkest. Please enjoy along with the English translation of the song below:

बभना आवे जाइ, बभना आवे जाइ
Babhaná áwe jái, Babhaná áwe jái
(The Brahman comes and goes. the Brahman comes and goes)
मोर मन लागा बभनवा से
Mor man lágá babhanwá se
(My heart is attached to this Brahman)
आवत जाति ……आवत जात……..
Áwat játi……. Áwat játi
(He comes and goes…..comes and goes)

ओही बभनवा के एक ही अंखिया
Ohí babhanwá ke ek hí ankhiyá
(This Brahman has only one eye)
ताके चारि ओर, ताके चारि ओर
Táke chári or, táke chári or
(Watching all over, watching everywhere)
मोर मन लागा बाभनवा………
Mor man lágá Babhanwá….
.(My heart is attached to this Brahman)

ओही बभनवा के एक ही हथवा
Ohí babhanwá ke ek hí hathwá
(That Brahman has only one hand)
छूए चारि ओर, छूए चारि ओर
Chhúe chári or, chhúe chári or
(Touching everywhere, touching everywere
मोर मन लागा बाभनवा……..
Mor man lágá Babhanwá…..
(My heart is attached to this Brahman)

ओही बभनवा के एक ही गोड़वा
Ohí babhanwá ke ek hí gořwá
(That Brahman has only one foot)
तोवे चारि ओर, तोवे चारि ओर
Towe chári or, towe chári or
(Hopping everywhere, hooping everywhere)
मोर मन लागा बाभनवा………
Mor man lágá Babhanwá…..
(My heart is attached to this Brahman)






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