Djini Djini Re Chadariya By Sangeeta D'songstar (2019 Traditional Chutney Music)

Djini Djini Re Chadariya by Sangeeta D’Songstar



Djini Djini Re Chadariya by Sangeeta D’Songstar (2019 Traditional Chutney Music)

Djini Djini Chadariya Traditional Chutney 2019
Title-Djini Djini Re Chadariya
Artiste- Sangeeta Harrypersad
Produced,recorded,mixed and mastered by Professor Bounty Targetz Studio

Dholak,dhantal and Harmonium by Sunil Ramsundar
Translated by Dr. visham Bhimull of Caribbean Hindustani
Last verse originally written by Dr.Visham Bhimull
Partially sponsored by Oma’s Hot And Tasty Doubles

Original credits
The original song was inspired by a kabir das poem

Movie/Album- Dropati live
Singers- Bidjanwati Chaitoe
Music KMI live Band


Jhíní jhíní main bhíní re chadariyá
(My delicate sheet gets drenched)

Ádhí ádhí rát mein main bhíní re chadariyá
(In the middle of the night my sheet becomes drenched)

Donon jan milke ohi re chadariyá
(Both individuals on meeting under that sheet)

Donon jana* milke ořhe re chadariyá
(Both individuals meet covered under that sheet)

Ashta kamal ka main charkha banayo
(From an eight petal lotus spinning wheel this sheet was made)

Naw maas re puni re puni
(It took nine months to complete)

Rangarajwá ke jhíní chadariyá
(The dyer took the delicate sheet)

Aisa rangái kar diní kí lálí lál kar diní
(He coloured it such in a red colour)

Kitni jhíní samajh lo chadariyá
Jaisí udhár le aise vápas diní

(Understand how delicate is the sheet
Just as you got it return it)



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One response to “Djini Djini Re Chadariya by Sangeeta D’Songstar”

  1. Jason avatar

    @pyarkaaloo We never received this song

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