Help Anand Yankarran's Wife Beat Breast Cancer

Help Anand Yankarran’s Wife Beat Breast Cancer


Mrs. Vidia Yankarran (nee Laggan ), was diagnosed with Stage 2 Breast Cancer in 2021. Vidia is the widow of the late Trinidadian Singer Anand Yankarran who died in 2017. Since being widowed, Vidia has been living alone.

After finding a lump in her breast, Vidia underwent numerous breast screening tests, followed by chemotherapy. To date she has undergone eight (8) chemotherapy sessions, with five (5) more sessions scheduled.

In addition to the ongoing nausea, fatigue, depression and lack of appetite, Vidia feels alone and scared. She is concerned about her ability to continue receiving the treatment she so badly needs in order to survive, without adequate finances.

Vidia’s friends and well-wishers have set up this Go Fund Me page to assist her and alleviate the financial burden of paying for her much needed treatments and medication. Taking care of these financial burdens, will also help with the continuous psychological pain that comes with dealing with a breast cancer diagnosis and the scare of it being fatal without these recommended medical interventions.

All treatments are being done at the New York Cancer and Blood Disease Centre in Forest Hill, NY. Treatment, medication, radiation, surgery and follow up visits and stay overs in hospital have all taken a toll on the modest savings she had prior to her diagnosis as she is currently unable to work, or care for herself.

Please be kind and generous in order to assist Vidia at this very difficult time in her life. We recognize that these are trying times but your generosity , however small will certainly make a huge difference in giving her a chance to survive this dreaded disease.Your help is greatly appreciated! May God bless you for assisting!

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